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· This is a moderated blog, and, A.L. Distributing will only post comments from bloggers over 13 years of age that relate to topics on the specific blog subject matter.
· A.L. Distributing will review all comments before posting them.
· Your comments are welcome at any time. We intend to review and post comments between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. We intend to review and post comments submitted at other times as soon as possible.
· A.L. Distributing will not post comments that contain abusive, vulgar, offensive, threatening or harassing language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive terms that target specific individuals or groups.
· A.L. Distributing will not post comments that are clearly off-topic, or that promote or oppose any political party, person campaigning for elected office, or any ballot proposition.
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· Personally identifiable information such as social security numbers, addresses and telephone numbers will be removed from comments by the moderator before they are posted. For your safety, please do not submit sensitive information such as this.
· A.L. Distributing does not discriminate against any views, but reserves the right not to post comments that do not adhere to the standards noted in this policy.
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Thank you for reading this information and for your adherence to the posting policies. This will make for an enjoyable, informative experience for all! Looking forward to our exchanges!
Yours in bird mitigation and innovative, earth friendly solutions,
- A.L. Distributing